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Save on Gladiator Rock n' Run Rosebowl

Head over to the "Upcoming" tab and register now for Gladiator Rock n' Run Rose Bowl!

Use code mcstarkey to save 20% on one or both races. Prices increase at the end of the month.

What is Gladiator Rock n' Run?!

Dan Clark aka "Nitro," from the American Gladiators, brings you the “Voted #1 Obstacle Adventure race in the USA” – The Gladiator Rock’n Run™. Created in 2010, Gladiator Rock'n Run is a Fire leaping, Mud Slinging, Spandex Clinging, run from Hell with beer that challenges participants to have the most insane day of their life - as they run, crawl, jump and slither their way across 5 kilometers or more of obstacle laden terrain. After the event, celebrate like a Gladiator God and rejuvenate your mud-splattered soul with beer, food, and rock 'n' roll.

20% off with code mcstarkey

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